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4 Ways to Help Your Gas Mileage in Houston

Written by Shabana Motors | Wed, Sep 28, 2016 @ 12:30 PM

Prices are rising across the nation. It’s no secret that more Americans than ever are struggling to keep up with house/rental payments, childcare, food costs and a variety of other bills.

Cars are an essential part of our lives, and they give you the ability to get to and from jobs and obtain necessities needed for daily living. They also cart kids to school and get us to the grocery store. However, cars are another expense in an already expensive world. So how do you work to minimize those costs?

A Cost that Adds Up

Although the prices at the pump have taken a dive in recent months, experts predict they are about to start creeping up again. While people have been enjoying the lows in 2016, the short-term outlook according to the US Energy Information Administration shows gas prices on the rise in 2017.

Gas is often an expense that’s forgotten. It’s essential to look at your driving habits and estimate a reasonable monthly amount to add to your budget so you are able to cover the gas you’ll use. Another thing you can do to lessen the expense is to take steps to reduce your gas usage by improving your gas mileage and add the money left over each month to a savings or emergency account.

Improving your Fuel Efficiency: A Way to Save on Gas

Optimizing your MPG (miles per gallon) is an excellent way to begin saving on gas. Your gas mileage makes a big difference. The better the fuel efficiency (more MPG), the less time you’ll have to spend at the pump, and the more money you can keep in your wallet. Here are four steps you can take to improve your gas mileage.

  • #1 Maintain your Car: Nothing will hinder your car’s performance worse than poor maintenance. Cars were built with parts and fluids that work together to perform. When one aspect is compromised, it causes the other systems to work harder. One common result is excess gas usage. When you make sure everything is in top working order, from the air in your tires to oil changes—you’ll notice an improvement in your gas mileage.
  • #2 Drive Smart: There are several things you can do to improve your gas mileage simply by how you drive. Some of the best steps to take include using cruise control whenever possible, and remember that the faster you go, the more gas you use. The sweet spot seems to be around 45 mph. Also, avoid braking hard or speeding up and slowing down a lot—a smooth ride goes a long way toward better mileage.  
  • #3 Make Minor Tweaks to your Habits: Little things add up in the world of fuel efficiency. Just by knowing some tips and tricks will get you on your way to gas savings. Supposedly, it only takes 30 days to create a habit, so add some of these into your daily routine.

-Lighten your load; the heavier the cargo the more gas you use. Take unnecessary items out of your vehicle.

-Carry light on top; if you have a roof rack, heavy pieces can ruin aerodynamics which slows you down while using up precious fuel.

-Cool efficiently; If you’re going higher speeds, use the A/C to avoid the aerodynamic slowdown of open windows. Going slow? Open the windows and stop using the gas-guzzling A/C.

  • #4 Don’t Sit Idly: Idling uses up more gas than you know. Stop the habit of sitting there with your car running. Have a tight budget? Turn it off at the stoplight as well.

Tips from the Experts

Auto shops are great sources for car knowledge, and they have additional ways to get improved MPG. The top advice from those that work on cars includes:

  • Change your air filter every six months.
  • Avoid topping off your gas. A lot of times that excess ends up leaking out.
  • Make sure your gas cap is on correctly. If your cap is loose or not screwed tightly, gas can evaporate, which is a waste of fuel.
  • Improve MPG by using the correct oil for your car. Check your manual and talk to local auto professionals—don’t use the first item you see on the shelf.
  • Stay out of the sun to avoid further evaporation. Heat causes gas to evaporate, so park in the shade whenever possible.

The more gas-saving tips and tricks you can incorporate into your life, the better the outcome. There isn’t anything big you can to, but all the little things end up adding up to a better MPG and more savings quickly.