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5 Car Tricks to Impress the Ladies

Written by Cory Lowe | Fri, Mar 07, 2014 @ 01:00 PM

Car tricks, like those seen in blockbuster driving action films, can be a fun way to impress the ladies. Before attempting any of these tricks, remember that what is seen in the movies is done by professionals in controlled environments, and most are incredibly dangerous for you and your car

1) J-turn

A J-turn involves driving a car in reverse and then abruptly turning to one side and engaging the foot brake in order to lock the front wheels while the car turns so you can continue driving forward in the same direction. This trick needs to be done in a front wheel drive car and is one of the most commonly seen maneuvers in films and TV shows.

2) Powerslide

A powerslide is a showy, and highly dangerous, way to take a turn while driving at high speeds. This trick is accomplished by braking an instant before the turn and engaging the handbrake as the car begins to turn. In order to powerslide in a front wheel drive car, a technique known as left foot braking needs to be done in order to continue accelerating.
The left foot braking technique involves braking with your left foot as the car takes a turn without removing your right foot from the acceleration. This technique is hard on the car’s tires and breaks, and difficult to handle safely.

3) Bootleg Turn

Named for prohibition-era bootleggers, the bootleg turn is an evasive maneuver that allows the driver to complete a 180 degree turn in one fast motion. This is done by quickly turning the steering wheel toward the next lane while driving fast in a low gear. Also known as a reverse turn, this trick is impressive when done successfully but not to be attempted by amateurs.

4) Drifting

Made popular in America by hit driving-based movies, drifting is when a driver purposely loses rear wheel traction through precise use of over steering, especially while navigating broadly curved turns. Long before drifting’s American popularity, countries like Japan had developed entire competitions dedicated to this flashy car trick. Prior to attempting a drift of your own, remember that loss of traction means potentially dangerous loss of control.

5) Trail Braking

A technique popular in off-track racing, trail braking is used by professionally skilled drivers who need to take a sharp turn without losing vital speed. Trail braking is done when a driver waits to hit the brakes until right after a corner entrance, which reduces under-steering by boosting traction. The result is a sharply taken corner that doesn't slow down the car much at all.

A well-executed car trick is exciting for the driver, and impressive to car-loving ladies. While it is never a good idea to attempt risky car tricks without the proper setting and skills, when done responsibly they all make a memorable impression.

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