Most drivers in Texas, and every other state, will at some point get pulled over and ticketed for some kind of traffic violation. An awareness of the most common driving and traffic violations in Texas can help you avoid making these mistakes and being hit with an expensive fine or other legal driving issue.
No matter how strict the laws and serious the consequences, driving while under the influence or intoxicated remains one of the most common traffic violations. In the state of Texas, obtaining a driver’s license serves as consent to undergo a Breathalyzer test. This means that, if you are pulled over and the officer suspects you may be intoxicated, you can refuse neither a field sobriety nor Breathalyzer test to prove you are within the legal safe limits.
Pay attention to posted speed limits. Speeding is an extremely common traffic violation in Texas, and repeated speed related tickets could eventually cost you the privilege of a driver’s license. Texas is one of the top five states where drivers are most likely to get a speeding ticket, so it is even more important to make sure you see and obey all posted speed limit signs.
Texas takes its child restraint and seatbelt laws seriously, and advertises that clearly through the “Click it or Ticket” advertising campaign. While some states allow backseat adult passengers to go without a seatbelt, Texas has implemented a law that states every passenger, regardless of age or placement in the vehicle, has to wear a seatbelt while the car is being operated. The recent change in this law has increased the commonality of seatbelt tickets given out.
The use of all-day traffic light cameras has made running red lights and other traffic light violations much more common in Texas compared to states that do not use the traffic camera technology. Even if there isn't a police officer around to catch you running the red light, the camera will capture your license plate number and a ticket will be mailed to the address on record.
The five most common traffic violations in Texas all have one important shared trait. Each can be avoided by attentive and safe driving habits.
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