Paying off an expensive car that you purchased during better days can be a serious financial burden if you lose your job. As a result of the current economic crisis, many people have ended up in such a position. However, you can cut your costs by downgrading your car to a slightly older model.
Can You Finance a Used Car Without a Job?
While securing a car loan is harder with poor credit, it's still possible. There are several no credit/bad credit used car dealerships in Houston to choose from. Since you are trading in your current car for a less valuable one, the initial purchase shouldn't be a problem. Being jobless won't be an issue by itself, just be sure to pick a car you can afford. If you aren't sure where to go, Shabana Motors is one of Houston's best in-house financing dealership.
Read more: All your questions answered about In-House financing
How Do I Prepare to Sell My Car?
When you come in to downgrade to a more affordable vehicle, we'll assess the value of your car based on a few key factors.
By understanding these criteria, you can maximize your car's resell value and get a better deal overall.
Read more: How to maintain your used car during the quarantine
What to Look For in a Used Car
When choosing your used car, your first priority should be ensuring it's within your new budget. Next is getting all the information you can on the car, in the form of documentation from the dealer and a report from market resources such as Carfax. After that, give the vehicle a visual inspection and ensure there are no severe rust issues or problems with the frame and that the upholstery is in good shape. Finally, check out the engine, make sure the tires have even treads, and ask to take the car on a test drive.
Used car dealerships like Shabana Motors located at 9811 SW Freeway in Houston, offers in-house financing and will also buy your car and will warranty your car for 2 years/24K miles, when passing Shabana Motors 5-star inspection process.