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Unlawful Car Modifications in Houston You Should Know

Written by Louise Armstrong | Wed, Nov 18, 2015 @ 01:00 PM

Tricking out—or modifying—your vehicle holds a big appeal. If your car is older, less than attractive, boring or you crave more power, adding some bells and whistles can make all the difference. It’s also easy get into the “Pimp my Ride” mentality and incorporate a few conversation starting additions. What many people don’t know though is that not every alteration you may make on your vehicle will be legal. In fact, it can end up costing you money that you don’t want to spend. Before you add those wonderful enhancements, make sure it’s allowed. Here are a few unlawful (and lawful when done correctly) vehicle modifications to keep in mind.

It Can’t Always be Bigger in Texas

If you’re engine gets revved up thinking about lifted vehicles, you probably want to make sure you know your parameters. Although there are no suspension lift limits, frame height limits or bumper height restrictions, your overall vehicle has to remain within vehicle size limits. In Texas your vehicle must not be bigger than:

  • 102 inches wide
  • 13 feet, 6 inches tall
  • 45 feet long

If you do change the height in any way, make sure that your reflectors and head and tail lamps meet the guidelines.

Keep it Down

There’s something alluring about the rumble, throb and roar of a powerful engine. That said, it’s not okay to do things that wake the neighbors or scares the bejesus out of people. In Texas you aren’t allowed to remove the muffler or do anything that makes the vehicle overly noisy. Unfortunately for those who love a little engine noise, Houston’s roadways are not Le Mans.

Keep it Clean

Any modification that makes your car ooze excess emissions is not legal. Keep in mind the state’s stringent laws that aim to keep things clean. Make sure you know the emissions requirements for vehicles in Houston.

Keep it Clear

A license plate serves as your identifying mark. It keeps us safe on many levels, and ensures that you aren’t driving too crazy without consequences. If your license plate holder or other bits of plate bling hide any part of the letters or numbers, you’re going to get pulled over and receive a ticket. You’ll also have to redo your additions—so you might as well do it right the first time.

Window Tinting

In today’s world of Snapchat and anyone-can-take-your photo-and-post-it-on-the-internet society, privacy has a lot of appeal. Feel free to tint your windows so you can croon along with Mr. Ritchie without the fear it’ll end up on YouTube—just don’t tint to the extent that it impairs your visibility. There are very specific rules in Texas that spell out how much tinting can be done on each window. It will vary depending on whether it’s a windshield, side window or rear window.


Lights can set the mood, and adding them to your car can be a lot of fun. However, Texas has some guidelines about what you can light and what colors you can use. Find out more on the Department of Texas Safety website.

Another light to know about are HID headlights. Please note that it is illegal in all 50 states to customize your car with them.

Ask First

A good rule of thumb is to find out everything you can before making a modification to your vehicle. It varies from state-to-state, so the information can get confusing too. If you’re unable to find answers online, contact Houston’s Department of Transportation. If they don’t have the answer, they’ll be able to direct you to someone who does.

Personalizing your vehicle can be worthy task. Modifications have the ability to lessen the stress of Houston traffic, and make your ride more fun to look at. Don’t waste your time making changes or adding things that are going to get you in trouble. There will still be plenty of things you can do to make your car better—just use a little imagination.