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Tips to Get Better Gas Mileage

Written by Jeff Martin | Thu, Sep 13, 2012 @ 12:00 PM



Fuel is expensive and poor gas mileage leads to spending even more money to keep your gas tank full. A number of factors influence how economically your engine uses fuel. There are tips you can follow to ensure you are maximizing your gas mileage.

Smart Drive Planning

The first step you can take to increase your car’s gas mileage is to practice smart drive planning. For example, you should try to complete as many errands as possible on one outing. It is unlikely your engine will be able to completely cool while you are picking up your dry cleaning and reducing the number of cold-starts your engine is forced to make can improve fuel economy. Research times of day when traffic is light to avoid idling in deadlocked rush hour, which burns additional gas.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

A car that is kept on a regular maintenance schedule will have better gas mileage than one that is neglected. Be sure tires are properly inflated, the oil is changed on time and the air filter is replaced regularly. When you do have the oil changed, be sure to use the recommended grade of lubricant. Also, if you notice as issues with how the engine is running it is important to have a qualified mechanic diagnose and repair the problem. The harder your engine needs to work, the more fuel it will go through.

Clean Out Your Car

A car that is full of trash and unnecessary belongings is heavier. A heavier car will make your engine work harder and burn more gas in order to build and maintain speeds. On a regular basis, clean out your car and remove anything you’ve been keeping stowed that you don’t need every day.

Steady Driving Habits

Not only are steady driving habits safer, they also increase your car’s gas mileage. Speeding, fast braking and other aggressive driving techniques push your engine and force it to burn more fuel. Avoid revving your engine or “peeling out” as well. Following posted speed limits and obeying traffic guidelines aren’t just good for safety concern; you will also reduce how often you need to purchase gas.

Gas mileage is affected by your driving habits and how well you take care of your engine. Keep these tips in mind when trying to save money on gas.

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