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Use Your Tax Refund Towards Your Used Car Payments

Written by Jeff Martin | Fri, Mar 22, 2013 @ 12:00 PM

The money you receive from your income tax refund can be used as payment toward a high-risk car loan. There are two ways the refund can be used toward your high-risk car loan, either as the initial down payment or as a payment toward the principal balance if you financed the vehicle before filing your returns. There are things you should keep in mind while preparing to apply your income tax refund toward your high-risk car loan.

Down Payment

An income tax refund is a great way for someone who can afford monthly payments to make a good down payment on a high-risk car loan for a used car. Dealerships that offer financing to high-risk applicants can help you determine a payment schedule that fits your monthly budget while working with your refund as a down payment. Keep in mind that the more you put towards the used car’s down payment, the easier it will be to keep up with the monthly payments.

Monthly Payment

Another way to use your tax refund as a payment toward a high-risk used car loan is as one or more of the monthly payments. Different car loans will have different repayment terms that you should understand before making any additional or larger payments. Some loans do not allow people to make payments outside of the structured schedule. If you have this kind of car loan, the refund can be set aside and drawn from for payments until it has been completely used.

Planning and Patience

The most important thing to remember when you are planning to use your tax refund as a high-interest car loan payment is patience. Especially if you are using the money as a down payment, patience will allow you to make sure you are buying the right car at the best price with the most appropriate financing. Do your due diligence and research the most practical used car that suits your lifestyle and offers the amenities you need before thinking about your wants and conveniences. Tax returns can be used to make your financial life easier to manage for a period of time and should be used as effectively as possible.

High-risk car loans allow people with credit problems to finance the purchase of a quality used car they truly need. The influx of money thanks to tax refunds serve to make down payments or a few monthly payments easier to budget.

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