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How to Pick the Right Car for a Teenager

Posted by Jeff Martin - 05 April, 2013

Car for teenagerParents of teenagers often buy their teen a car as soon as one is wanted without considering all of the factors that should go into such a big purchasing decision. The most important thing to remember is that not every teenager with a driver’s license absolutely needs their own car. Take a realistic look at the situation and keep the following points in mind while discussing the decision with your teen.


The most obvious thing to consider before agreeing to buy your teen the car they want is the status of your household finances. You should sit down and make a budget for the car, taking into account all of your financing options like in-house financing through the dealership. If you cannot afford to buy a car, the rest of the decision-making process can be postponed until you can.

Need Vs. Want

While it is nice to buy your teenage child a big gift simply because they want it, a car is a huge responsibility that should be given to a teen based more on need than want. Some teens ask for a car for the convenience of being able to transport themselves between school, sports, jobs, and other obligations. For these teens, the fun and freedom of having access to their own car is secondary to the practical benefits. If your teenager is asking for a car simply because they’re of age, all of their friends are driving or to just have fun, you should consider delaying the purchase.


You need to make an honest assessment of your teen’s maturity level. Some 16-year-olds are well equipped to handle the responsibility and obligations involved with owning a car while others are not. Even the most well-mannered, intelligent, responsible teenager still has the capacity to make impulsive and potentially dangerous decisions in the heat of the moment. Before buying the car your teen is asking for, take into consideration if he or she is truly mature enough to be trusted with a vehicle.

Safe Habits

There are safety measures you should make your teen agree to before buying them a car. A strict curfew on night driving, a waiting period before driving alone with friends is allowed, continued supervised driving during that waiting period, and preset consequences for poor driving and maintenance decisions should all be nonnegotiable.

An honest conversation both with your teen and with yourself will help you decide whether or not to buy your teenager the car they want. Put safety first and be realistic about the available budget.

*Image courtesy of

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