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4 Ways to Find the Perfect Mechanic

Posted by Cory Lowe - 08 November, 2013

The right mechanic will extend the life of the car you love, save you money on repairs and maintenance, and make your driving life less stressful. The large number of mechanics available in most areas means you can be discerning with your choice of car care professionals. Look for the signs that a mechanic is the perfect choice, and never settle for sub-par service. Auto Mechanic

Early Research

Do not wait for your car to break down to find a local mechanic. Research the mechanics and auto body shops that do business between where you live and where you work. Read reviews posted by real customers who have used mechanics over the last six months. A stellar or terrible review from three years ago is unlikely to represent the current service reputation. Have two to three promising options on hand, just in case an unexpected mechanical issue emerges.

Ask Questions

One thing you should do when dealing with a mechanic is ask a lot of questions. The reason you go to a mechanic is because a professional should know more than you do about your used car and how to fix it. Important questions to ask are the parts needed, equipment that will be used, how the auto service professional will fix the issues at hand, and the likelihood of needing future repairs. Next, ask for detailed and itemized parts and labor quotes. Take notes if you need to. This will keep you from repeating any questions and ensures accurate memory of the conversation.

Price vs. Quality

With most skilled services, you pay for the quality of service you receive. A mechanic quoting the lowest price is likely to provide a level of service and quality of repair that is inferior to the mechanic with the highest quote. There are exceptions to this rule, however. A customer that goes to the same local owner-operated mechanics’ shop can develop a relationship and, over time, lower the cost of parts or labor.

Personal Referrals

Ask friends, families, and co-workers where they go for car repairs. People who know who you are are less likely to refer you to a bad mechanic. Pay attention to personal experiences, both good and bad, and keep these referrals in mind while looking for the perfect mechanic. If anyone uses the same mechanic for all of their maintenance, ask to mention their name when meeting that mechanic for the first time.

The perfect mechanic will limit the stress and hassle of ongoing car repairs and maintenance. A good reputation and reasonable prices go a long way toward indicating that a mechanic is the perfect fit for your car.

*Image courtesy of 

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