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4 Signs You Need to Buy a New Car

Posted by Cory Lowe - 18 February, 2014

Purchasing a car is a large financial commitment, so it makes sense to avoid taking on that expense for as long as you can. However, there are several noticeable signs that you need to take the plunge and get a new car. Buying A New Car

1) Repairs Exceed Value

One sure sign it is time to buy a new car is when repairs your current vehicle needs exceed its actual value. For example, if you are thinking of spending $2000 to repair a car worth only $1500, you are better off putting the cost of the potential repairs toward the purchase of a new car. Think of it as an insurance company would when deciding a claim for your car, as a total-loss situation.

2) Stop-Gap Fixes

A stop-gap fix is also called a “good enough” repair and is usually done by the owner of car as a way of keeping one part or another functioning until an actual replacement or repair can happen. The next time you are rigging a stop-gap fix on your bumper, windows, mirrors, or any other part of your car take a second to inventory how many of those fixes you’ve done over the past several months. More than one or two “good enough” repairs could be a sign it’s time for a new car.

3) Warning Lights

When your car warning lights are turning on frequently, you should consider buying a new car. The warning lights can come on because a problem has been detected, or because the system of sensors running the lights is malfunctioning. Specifically look out for your check engine or temperature warning lights turning on and off, as this can be indicative of a number of expensive and complex problems with the car’s engine.

4) Lifestyle Shifts

Your car should add convenience and comfort to your life and a shift in your everyday driving lifestyle could mean you need to change your vehicle. A new baby, change in commute, or something as small as a new weekly hobby could mean your current car no longer fits your needs. A flashy two-seat sports car may have been ideal until your child was born, but car seats and safety features might change that considerably. If you find yourself struggling to make your car work for your day to day driving, take a moment to consider whether trading in for a new model makes sense for your situation.

A lot of thought and planning goes into the decision whether or not to buy a new car. There are signs to look for, however, that make that decision much easier to make. When you notice any of the important signs, stop mulling it over and start looking for a new car.

*Image courtesy of 

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