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How to $ell Your Used Car and Maximize Your Profits

Posted by Cory Lowe - 20 June, 2014

You obviously want to get as much money out of selling your used car as possible. Maximizing the profits from selling your car depends on how long you have to make the sale, the current state of your vehicle and the amount of time and energy you’re willing to put into the sale.

Clean & Detail Your Car

How to $ell Your Used Car and Maximize Your ProfitsNever underestimate the importance of cleaning and detailing your car before trying to sell it. A clean car will give potential buyers the impression the vehicle has been well taken care of by a responsible owner. On the other hand, even if a dirty car is in perfect mechanical condition it will seem neglected.

Start by removing all trash and extraneous personal items. Vacuum all upholstery and clean all hard surfaces with a dust collecting rag or disposable cleansing wipe. Use a can of condensed air, or a portable air compressor if you have access to one, to clean dust and debris from air vents. Clean air vents will help your car smell as fresh and maintained as it looks. Thoroughly clean and dry the exterior, wheels and rims. Use the time spent cleaning and detailing your car as a chance to take a top to bottom inventory of any imperfections a potential buyer might notice and prepare responses to each.

Make Obvious or Imperative Repairs

Many drivers think an impending sale of a car means routine maintenance or important repairs can be left to the next owner. In reality, skipping an oil change or not replacing worn out tires can seriously reduce the final sale price of your used car. Before you try to trade in your current car or sell it on your own, bring your car to your mechanic for a quick once over and any regular maintenance it might need. Keep in mind that if obvious or imperative repairs keep people from buying your car for a while, you might need to drive the vehicle and making the repairs for your own comfort and safety, anyway.

Be as Patient as Possible

There are only two reasons to hurry the sale of your used car, if you need the money on a deadline or receive an offer of full asking price right away. Try to be patient during the sale process, paying attention to how potential buyers respond to your car and the price you are asking. For example, if more than one interested buyer low-balls an offer based on body modifications or another easily fixed problem, you can address that concern and try again with the next buyer.

The trick to getting as much money as possible for your used car is presenting your car in the best possible light. Be patient and take the time to repair and clean the vehicle before setting the price and meeting with buyers.

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