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The Worst Intersections in Houston

Posted by Cory Lowe - 25 February, 2015

Car accidents are bad. Besides the obvious reasons—injury and car damage—they can also cause many other issues. Some of those issues are the time it takes to get your car fixed, and having to deal with the insurance company. Insurance rates can increase too if you’re at fault. The value of your car immediately goes down if it’s been in an accident. If you’re injured in the accident, you can lose out by missing work or dealing with the cost of healthcare. So basically, accidents are not a good thing.

Driving in Houston has its moments. There are some areas that are notorious for collisions. It’s always nice to have a heads-up so you can take the proper precautions to avoid an accident. Plus, if you want, you can avoid certain intersections all together. Here are some of the worst spots in the city of Houston. They are consistent, accident-causing zones.

Beltway 8 and Genoa Red Bluff Road

Just in case you don’t make it though this entire post, this is the number one nasty intersection in Houston according to many sources. The main reason it clinched the #1 spot? It’s huge! Why is that a problem? It gives people plenty of time to get distracted and do something they shouldn’t. Be aware and follow the rules. It may not be fun, but it’s better than getting in an accident.

610 and Wallisville Road

Two words: Big trucks. Narrow intersection, heavy traffic and big trucks equals a disastrous recipe. It’s all about timing, and sometimes the largest vehicles on the road don’t have very good timing.

Westheimer and Highway 6

Again with the timing issue—although it’s rumored that it has everything to do with the lights. Unless the city researches it, it’s hard to prove that the lights are a little off. But let’s just take people’s word for it and say that this intersection is one to be careful at. Hint: Highway 6 and FM 529 isn’t great either. This time, however, it’s chalked up to driver error. They’ve tried to fix it with a median, but it’s still an accident maker.

Highway 225 and Beltway 8

Lane changes, heavy morning traffic, turns and unexpected driving make this an intersection to keep your wits about you. The best prevention is not having any distractions. Don’t change your song, don’t text your friends, just pay attention when you drive.

Highway 59 and Highway 1960

Hills limit sight distance, limited sight distance causes accidents. It’s a chain reaction made worse with the heavy flow of traffic at this intersection.

Honorable Mentions

Many of you are getting the picture—Houston has some terrible driving spots. The ones above are bad, but so are some of these honorable mentions: FM 1093 and Beltway 8, Louetta Road and I-45, U.S. Route 90 Alternate and Beltway 8, and SH-249 and FM 2920. As you can see, Beltway 8 is a road with some trouble. Take care while traveling it.

What to Do If an Accident Occurs

No one wants to be in collision or witness one. It can be helpful if you have some information on what to do if it happens. Even if your first instinct is to get out of the car and look at things, don’t until you’ve assessed the situation thoroughly. If it is safe to stay in it, then do so and call the police, especially if it’s a bad accident. If you’re injured, definitely stay still. If it’s fairly minor, then get off the road.

Once you’re out of the vehicle, take pictures. This is really important if it’s a minor fender bender. Have insurance information with you at all times. Get information from the other person, but write down their license plate too. Talk to police if they’re called, and get witnesses if you’re able to. Always remember not to say anything that sounds like fault. While it’s important to make sure the other person is okay, don’t apologize, it may be used against you.

Lastly, make sure to get checked out sooner than later if possible. Not all injuries present themselves right away. Stay as calm as you can throughout the experience. It can be tricky since it’s scary, but very helpful if you are able to.

Of course, the best way to avoid an accident is to pay attention. It’s true that there are particularly bad intersections in Houston, but that doesn’t mean an accident can’t happen at others. Always drive as safely and distraction-free as possible. It’s much better for yourself, and your car.


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