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Start Your Year Debt-Free with Our New 10K Giveaway!

Posted by Shabana Motors - 08 January, 2016


Shabana is partnering with our friends at 97.9 The Box once again to make you $10,000 richer in 2016. Forget the Powerball and enter our content today. 

Listen to The Box Monday through Friday. When you hear the sounder, pick up your phone and call to be entered into the grand prize drawing. Or swing by Shabana Motors from now until January 29th and enter in-person. 

Madd Hatta will be announcing the winner on the morning show, February 1. 

Enter today and join the real life Houstonians who are now 10K richer thanks to Shabana and The Box! To read the official rules, click here

Topics: Sweepstakes

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